御茶ノ水にギターを購入しにいった 9/5





その時はMR BIGやB,Zのようなハードロックが好きだった。








それはfender のメキシコという一般的には渋いと言われるモデルである。


家に帰って早速BBキングの[THRILL is gone」を録音してみた。



 My English


The other day I went to Ochanomizu to buy a new guitar.

I wonder that  when I  buy guitar before,

Maybe  that is an age of school days.

Then I liked a hard lock music.

For example B,Z or Mr BIG.

Anyway I want to make a sound to have a power.

But now I want to delicate sound as if Eric Crapton or Hiroshi Shibasaki.

Therefore I decided to buy aStratcaster model.


Though I don,t like flashy color, I looked for a simple color as if a tree.

Because of  fellows coopolation ,I could buy a  wonferful guitar .

That color or sound or buget are very good.


That is a fener mexico model that in generally said to cool.


When come back to home I recorded my guitar play  that is a thrill is gone by BBKING.


 Teacher,s collect


The other day I went to Ochanomizu to buy a new guitar.

What if I bought a guitar before, when I was in college.

I used to like rock music. I used to like B, Z or Mr BIG.

 I used to play loud guitar music.

But now I want to play mellow music like Eric Crapton or Hiroshi Shibasaki.

Thats why I decided to buy a Stratcaster guitar.

I dont like flashy color thats why I looked for plain or simple color like a tree.

My friends helped me choose a wonderful guitar.

The quality and the cost of the guitar is very good.

The Fender Mexico guitar is cool.


 I can finally play my guitar and play Thrill is gone by BBKING at home.